It’s simple! Just do everything right!

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easy easy

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the ‘fuck it’ energy in this is palpable and it’s fucking rad

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ah thanks daisy! means a lot

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Jun 3Liked by clara

I think this is how a lot of people feel right now with how awful the job market is... I been looking for a new job since last year and nothing despite applying for ENTRY level jobs (that you need 5+ years of experience for ofc <3333)

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Investing in a mouse jiggler was the wisest move I made at my previous job who laid my entire department off eight months after hiring me.

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saved my life fr

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I FEEL THIS SO HARD! Beautifully written! Currently also job hunting.. but writing poems about it instead.. heheheeh

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Nothing has dampened my optimism like LinkedIn's incessant need to alert me everytime I'm rejected. Fine, I didn't want that $3/hr position anyway 😩 You've captured that insanely well! On the upside, I bet that Chicago lady thought you were kidding and a lil' more interesting than the other business casual suits there ❤️

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thanks malayka! i'm glad it resonated

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I applied to over 30 jobs yesterday

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not on that level yet rip

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With cover letters? I feel like my entire existence for the last two years has been just a string of two-hour naps, and job proposals, including cover letters. Now my carpal tunnel is acting up, and I can't type much.

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felt this soooo much as someone who was made redundant last christmas and has been kinda lost in life since... but making writing out of it now! thank you for writing this <3

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Something about this sits so deep in me… I loved it

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So get all of this. Love your energy and prose, clara. Powerful.

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thanks ken!!

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bravo! perhaps the parts are interchangeable and just not assembled in the right order...LOVED that traige song as well, thanks!

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glad you enjoyed!!

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thanks Clara, I needed this-- I've applied to over a hundred jobs in less than a month since being laid off (I also happen to be a SQL expert if any recruiters are reading this)

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I loved this

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Sep 3Liked by clara

wow I felt this

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Jesus, this is what I used to sound like before I became scared of alienating everyone and becoming unable to earn a living, winding up dead on the street, which I did anyway. Minus the dead part. I came back though. 🧟‍♂️

I wish people liked this side of me as much as they seem to like this side of you. Teach me master.

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you should write about it !

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I’m sure I have but I just started here so I might as well do it again!

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Ohh man you spoke my soul!!

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